Church Bulletin Archive
Christian Unity Week
18th- 25th January every year has been decided as the Christian Unity Week.
This year
Date: 19.01. 2010
at Fr.De Witt Memorial Hall,
at 7.30 am
24.01.2010 KED Santo Petrus, House Fabian.
25.01.10 St.Peter Church Holy Mass
Sunday School Intake & Classes
Classes resume on 17.01.10
We welcome Seminarian Joseph Pang& Seminarian Rhobby here in Kudat. May their
Recollectiion for Parents & spinsors
Date: 29.10.10
Time: 7.OO pm
Pace: Parish Activity Centre
Christmas Children Party
Date: 02.01. Jan. 2010
at Fr.De Witt Memorial Hall,
Party for Senior Citizens
Date: 27.12.09
Time: 3.15 pm ater Mass
Place: Our Lady's Church, Taipa
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 22.12.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Agnes Timah's house
Sunday School ,BM& BC Closing Ceremony
Date: 15th November after Mass
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 25.11.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Sinuing Gadawat 's house
Family Evangelization
Sr. Maggie Chong & team wil visit our parish to conduct Family Evangelization from 12th-22nd Nov.2009. Religious
books and articles will be on sale at the 3 churches.Holy hour will be cancelled for 2 weeks.
Date: 25.11.09-27.11.09
Venue: Bundu Tuhn Retrear Centre
Priests Meeting
Date: 09.11.2009-11.11.09 at Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre.
On07.11.09 at 8 am at Fr.De Witt Memorial Hall
Examination for Sunday School
On 08.11.09 after Mass at class PMG
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 10.11.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Catherine Tham's house
Chinese Committee Meeting
Date: 4.11.2009 at OurLady Immaculate, Taipa at 7.30 pm
Holy Mass Offering for the Dead
On 02.11.09 All Souls' Day,anyone who wishes to offer masses for the holy souls is advised to use the envelope provided
and return it to the parish office before 30.10.09.
All Souls'Day Holy Mass
on 02.11.09 at 6.00 am& 7.30 pm
Visit graveyard
Date: 3rd November. St. Peter at 8.00 am
Taipa at 9.30 am and Tajau at 11 am
Holy Mass for
SPM & STPM Candidates
on 31.10. 2009 at 9.00 am
Mission Sunday
falls on 18th 0ct. 2009.Collection of that day wil be sent to the Archdiocese of kk to support Missionary
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 20.10.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Cecelia Kue's house
Month of October Rosary
01.10.09 Opening of Rosary month
Grotto at 5.30 pm
02-30 Oct. House to house Rosary
31.10.09: Closing of Rosary month
at Grotto, at5 pm followed by Sunset Mass
The Chinese night group
Mondays at Secred Heart's Church, Tajau
Tuesdays at St.Peter' Church, Kudat
Wednesdays at Our Lady's Immculate Church, Taipa
Those who wish to join in the house to house Rosary are to meet at 7 pm at their respective churches and
set off after prayer in church at 7.30 pm.
The Region of Mary and the BM groups have their scheduls too.
The issue for the month of October is availableat $ 10.00 per copy.Issues in Chinese and Malay are also available
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 06.10.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Teresa Zaratung's house
The Holy Mass( Discussion in Madarin)
Every Wednesday at 7.30 pm
Chain Prayer
& Bible sharing
on 29.09.2009 at 7.30 pm
at Margeret Tambelia's house
Tanglung Festival
Date: 02.10.08 Time: 7.30 pm
at Secred Heart’s Church,Tajau.