~ A Good Friday Hill ~
On and on we climb Kolindasan Hill
On Good Friday morn when the world
is still.
A long file of faithful, young and old from
Village , all agog, we hum
Hymns on the way and at each cross we stop
To kneel and pray until we reach
the top.
We walk
Christ’s journey up Calvary Hill,
think of His torture to strengthen
our will.
On reaching the eighth cross, fresh is the air.
Below lies the village, serene and
The distant hills and trees of bluish hue
spread out where eyes can reach. It’s a great view.
On and on we climb Kolindasan Hill,
our steps slower as we step on the dill.
Yet compared to Christ’s journeys,
ours’ enthrall.
Compared to His great heart, ours are
We wish to carry His cross and then climb
our Calvalry Hill, a moment sublime.
On and on we climb Kolindasan Hill
and reach the top with Christ.
We wait until
He's crucified and die between two thieves,
His blood-stained form , we lay down
on the leaves.
When passion’s over, we
walk down the hill
On Good Friday morn, when the world
is still.
Agatha Lai ( Good Friday 2004 )
Kolindasan Hill is in Sunsuron Village
in Tambunan