Who are You ?
Epha followed him
into the village.
This man gave
them food ; told them stories.
He made the
blind see and raised the dead to life.
He had shining
eyes and eloquent lips.
Some said he was John
the baptist.
Some said he was
Elijah, the prophet.
To this boy he's
the man who gave them fish and bread.
That day he was well
fed; that day he was not hungry.
And Beth who
stayed at home was envious;
To be well fed ! To eat
fish and bread!
Epah followed
wherever the bright- eyed man went,
Trees spoke his
name; hills whispered," Here he comes,
the one fortold, the
chosen one to lead the flock."
A fisherman said, "
You are Christ, Son of the living God."
Then bright-eyed man
said, " Simon, you are Peter,
on this rock I
will build the church."
At home, Epah's
mother asked him,
" Where have you
been ?"
Said Epah , " I followed
Christ, the Son of God around.
He is going to build
his church on a rock called Peter. "
Do you follow Him like
a simple boy ?
Are you going to let
him build His church on you?
Are you a rock, a follower
or a weed
among the briars that
grow not ?
Agatha Lai